Who We Are
Our association, Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Agensi Perkhidmatan Swasta Malaysia (PAPSMA), otherwise known as the National Association of Private Employment Agencies Malaysia. PAPSMA’s members fully consist of Agensi Pekerjaan Swasta (APS) with License C. PAPSMA was established in January 2019 with the mission and objective to be the bridge between the recruits, employers and all related stakeholders particularly Government Authorities and other related associations. PAPSMA fully intends to gather the collective support of the APS License C to lay the groundwork for our APS License C in the industry and build strong ties with the authorities. It is in cooperating and working in close associations with the APS in the industry that we may be able to express our thoughts, concerns and ideas to the relevant authorities.

Have Some Questions?
We're here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.