Q: Differences between Early Bird Price & Normal Price?
A: Early bird price: RM 3K (Entrance Fee) + RM 1K (Annual Fee).
Normal Price: 1st yr RM 1k annual fee + RM 3k entrance fee.
2nd and 3rd year need to pay RM 1k each year.
Total of RM 6k.
So now it’s just RM 4k instead of RM 6k.
Q: For how many years?
A: For 3 years.
Q: After 3 years, how much do I need to pay?
A: The next 3 years, you just need to pay RM 1k for annual fee.
Q: Payment needs to be made through which bank account and to whom?
A: Public Bank and under name "Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Agensi Perkhidmatan Swasta Malaysia".
Q: The money we pay is for whom?
A: The money will be transfer to PAPSMA.
Q: What is the payment for?
A: For us (PAPSMA) to issue the Membership Certificate, Badge, Group Members, Updates of upcoming event, Inquires.
A: Early bird price: RM 3K (Entrance Fee) + RM 1K (Annual Fee).
Normal Price: 1st yr RM 1k annual fee + RM 3k entrance fee.
2nd and 3rd year need to pay RM 1k each year.
Total of RM 6k.
So now it’s just RM 4k instead of RM 6k.
Q: For how many years?
A: For 3 years.
Q: After 3 years, how much do I need to pay?
A: The next 3 years, you just need to pay RM 1k for annual fee.
Q: Payment needs to be made through which bank account and to whom?
A: Public Bank and under name "Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Agensi Perkhidmatan Swasta Malaysia".
Q: The money we pay is for whom?
A: The money will be transfer to PAPSMA.
Q: What is the payment for?
A: For us (PAPSMA) to issue the Membership Certificate, Badge, Group Members, Updates of upcoming event, Inquires.
Q: What is the document for?
A: For compliance and checking and for the approval by Committee Board during our meeting. We need to make sure the owner of the agency is you and to make sure you are legal and trusted for us to recommend/promote your agency in our website so people will trust you.
Q: Why do I need to give passport photo?
A: So that we can put your agency details and photo on our website and as recognition.
A: For compliance and checking and for the approval by Committee Board during our meeting. We need to make sure the owner of the agency is you and to make sure you are legal and trusted for us to recommend/promote your agency in our website so people will trust you.
Q: Why do I need to give passport photo?
A: So that we can put your agency details and photo on our website and as recognition.
Why Become Member
Q: Why should i become a member?
A: PASPMA fully consists of APS agencies with License C. Our aim is in cooperating and working in close associations with the APS in the industry that we may be able to express our thoughts, concerns and proposal to the authorities such as;Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM)
Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM)
Foreign Worker Centralized Management System (FWCMS)
Agensi Kawal Selia (AKS)
Foreign Association
Local Association
Q: What is the benefit if I join PAPSMA?
A: We will add you to the group members under PAPSMA and we will keep updating you for any workshop/seminar/talk about APS from the authorities such as JTKSM, JIM, IMM, FWCMS etc. We are such a networking for you. We collaborated with so many authorities APSC, JTKSM and more.
A: PASPMA fully consists of APS agencies with License C. Our aim is in cooperating and working in close associations with the APS in the industry that we may be able to express our thoughts, concerns and proposal to the authorities such as;
Q: What is the benefit if I join PAPSMA?
A: We will add you to the group members under PAPSMA and we will keep updating you for any workshop/seminar/talk about APS from the authorities such as JTKSM, JIM, IMM, FWCMS etc. We are such a networking for you. We collaborated with so many authorities APSC, JTKSM and more.